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About Honest Masks

I want to tell you my story, and the journey to creating this initiative. I've battled depression and anxiety all my life. I've fought this battle in secrecy, ashamed of what people would think of me if I let them in on the silent battle I faced every day.

The real weakness is in staying silent, and not owning my story. A few years ago when I was hospitalized with depression I learned is that you can only pretend to be okay for so long. We need each other, no one is an island. When you open up to anyone you realize that we're all going through something. Let's end the stigma. If we share our stories and are brave and strong enough to be vulnerable, we will never have to suffer in silence.

Don't mask it with a smile, means never having to wear a brave face when you're breaking inside. It means having the courage to be real. Wearing the mask shows your support of people suffering, and lets them know you're someone they can talk to. It shows that you're someone who has suffered, and understands. Especially during this difficult time and with the pandemic - we need each other's compassion. 

10% of all proceeds from all sales on this site will go to CAMH, the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, to support the programs that help people suffering from mental illness. 

Keep talking, sharing and supporting each other.